Condition: The home must be less than 10 kilometers from the employee's usual workplace, and the employee must be one of the signatories of the contract.
When primarily working from home, the home-to-work distance is considered 0 km. The distance is measured in a straight line using Google Maps.
The employee’s residence must be located within the European Economic Area (EEA).
If your reimbursement request is approved and you were entitled to reimbursements for previous months, these amounts will be included when reimbursements begin.
For rent:
The monthly rent of the employee’s residence, including actual common costs (e.g., cleaning of common areas, elevator maintenance), paid and documented separately from private costs in the rental contract.
For common costs, only annual settlements or fixed monthly fees are reimbursable; intermediate advances are not accepted. To request reimbursement for annual common costs, you will need the detailed invoice from your landlord.
For mortgages:
Mortgages or loans with a mortgage mandate related to the employee’s residence, including both principal and interest. Early repayments may also be accepted.
Other costs are excluded.
Your employer may have disabled this option.
Private expenses such as electricity, data, heating, water, etc.
Costs under contracts subject to subleasing or used for professional activity.
Reimbursement requests for payments made in the previous calendar year.
Reimbursement requests for payments made before the employee's mobility budget start date.
Note: Not all possibilities or restrictions are described. In case of contradictions between documents or doubts about a reimbursement, contact your mobility manager.