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  • Writer's pictureThierry Devresse

The mobility budget is being dressed up to be more attractive from September...

Updated: Sep 3, 2021


The federal government is simplifying the mobility budget and making it more flexible. It expands the range of sustainable modes and increases legal certainty. Sources closely involved in this dossier inform us that this chapter is still part of an in-depth social consultation with the social partners. Thus, changes can still be made.

From 2026, all motorized vehicles of the first pillar (company cars) and of the second pillar (soft mobility, car sharing and car rental with driver) must be emission-free.

The mobility budget may also be used to reimburse:

  • Expenditure for storage of a bicycle, moped and electric motorcycle outside the context of public transport.

  • Expenses for protective equipment and visibility of the driver and his passenger(s).

  • Subscription costs for public transport of the members of the family living under the same roof.

  • Parking expenses within the context of public transport for commuting.

  • Costs of locomotion devices, including three-wheeled and four-wheeled electric devices (L5e-A and L7e-CP of EU Regulation 168/2013 respectively).

  • Costs for the pedestrian premium in (part of) the commute.

  • Housing costs for a residence within a 10 km radius of the normal place of work (both rents, interests and capital repayments of (mortgage) loans are eligible).

The preliminary draft of this law has been submitted to the Council of State, which must issue an opinion within thirty days. Based on this opinion, the government foresees a second reading to arrive at a bill approximately by the end of June. The bill will be handed over to parliament around July 1 for discussion and voting in some parliamentary committees. The discussion and vote in the plenary session of parliament should be completed by July 21, 2021.

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